I've been doing a lot of thinking about the upcoming Cause & Effect assignment. One idea I'm considering is a campaign against Texting While Driving. I won't be able to use this video, but thought it was quite graphic and it gets the point across. So, I thought I'd share it.

Video from a Huffington Post article :

I thought this was an interesting

new idea for a bed. It seems

descriptive to me, so I'll

post the link.

Robotic Bed

transforms into


Since time got away during the show and tell portion of class, I decided to post my good food writing sample. Please excuse the marks ups. It was my intent to discuss the points instead of posting this. However, since I found the story interesting, I decided to post it anyway. Hope you enjoy.


As a writer and designer, my mind works overtime seeking ways to convey messages using the proper balance of these two ingredients – Words and Images. It is not enough to have thoughtful typefaces, vibrant complimentary colors, accurate DPIs, and proper sequence placement. A good designer takes responsibility for the entire page, which also includes headlines, subheads, folios, and the textual content.

While the right combination of graphics and layout tends to grab the audience, the colorful use of descriptive nouns and verbs keeps the reader on the page. Used properly, these action-building words will satisfy the readers five senses (i.e. what does the subject look like? how does it feel? how does it smell? what does it sound like? And, how does it taste?). There are many examples of descriptive nouns and verbs. They can be found in our spoken language, online, and in thesaurus’. All it takes on your part is a little creativity in both the visual and written components of your presentations.

Examples of Nouns vs. Active Nouns
Noun woman Active Nouns diva, ex-dancer, performer, supermodel
Noun house Active Nouns mansion, duplex, rancher, trailer home
Noun shoes Active Nouns pumps, platforms, cowboy boots, stilettos
Noun girl Active Nouns prom queen, school girl
Noun car Active Nouns BMW 750I, Mercedes, jalopy
Noun boat Active Nouns Yacht, rowboat, banana boat

Examples of Passive Verbs vs. Action Verbs
Passive Verbs: is, are, was, were
Active Verbs:
gasped, charged, rush, ran grab, demolished